The German Cockroach (Blattella Germanica) is well known as a predominantly indoor cockroach. The adults are easily recognizable by their brown colouration with two black stripes behind their head, they will usually be around 13 - 16 mm in length. The young and nymphs are much smaller and usually darker in colour. Even though German Cockroach have wings they rarely fly, preferring to run. |
Although they do occasionally live outdoors in tropical environments, they are most commonly found indoors because of their preference for the more humid and warmer areas of a structure, like kitchens and bathrooms, but can be found in other areas if adequate food and moisture is available. In most cases German Cockroach are generally introduced into a structure or residence when boxes, bags or containers are brought into a home. They may also be brought in with used appliances. German Cockroach are scavengers and will feed on most food sources available, including soap, toothpaste and the bindings of books. |
German Cockroach droppings may appear as small, dark spots left on bench tops or in drawers, it is very common to find them around the hinges of doors of cupboards. The German Cockroach is also known to have an odour when the population is quite large with some people referring to it as a "musty" odour. German Cockroach produce a large number of nymphs in each ootheca. Their relatively small size allows them to hide well and have few natural predators in the home environment. For these reasons, they can populate very rapidly and will require professional treatment. |
To eradicate German Cockroach from your home you will more than likely need to call in a pest management technician as most of the commercially sold sprays will have very little effect on getting rid of these pests from your home. A pest management professional will use a combination of baits and non-repellent sprays to rid your home of this pest.
If you're having issues with German Cockroach then call Pest Off Solutions today and we can fix your problem.
If you're having issues with German Cockroach then call Pest Off Solutions today and we can fix your problem.
If you'd like some tips and info on how to help prevent cockroach infestations click on the below link.
If you're having trouble with any pest related issues, then feel free to contact Pest Off Solutions for information.