Micro Bats
In the pest control industry in Cairns we are regularly called out to find out what is causing all this scratching and screeching in a clients roof space or wall voids.
The majority of the time if you're hearing things making noises in your roof and walls in Cairns it will most likely be a rodent infestation. (Rats & Mice) However, occasionally it could even be a snake or even Micro bats. |
The importance of Microbats
Microbats are fully protected by law in all States of Australia, some of these bat species are so rare they are threatened with extinction.
They suffer from the constant loss of habitat by land clearing and the loss of old growth hollows is having a devastating consequence on many native species, most especially bats. With so much competition for hollows, microbats are often evicted or targeted by birds and snakes for food. Many people have no idea of their existence; they are often forgotten and unappreciated. When hollow trees are cut down entire families of bats are misplaced. Habitat loss can lead to regional extinctions of microbats.
These harmless little mammals are vitally important for their nightly job in our environment. They are the pest insect exterminators. It’s thought one little bat can consume 1,200 mosquito sized insects in one hour.
They suffer from the constant loss of habitat by land clearing and the loss of old growth hollows is having a devastating consequence on many native species, most especially bats. With so much competition for hollows, microbats are often evicted or targeted by birds and snakes for food. Many people have no idea of their existence; they are often forgotten and unappreciated. When hollow trees are cut down entire families of bats are misplaced. Habitat loss can lead to regional extinctions of microbats.
These harmless little mammals are vitally important for their nightly job in our environment. They are the pest insect exterminators. It’s thought one little bat can consume 1,200 mosquito sized insects in one hour.
Microbats love your roof space
Micro bats are notorious for nesting in roof spaces and wall voids, and can cause considerable stress for the home owner who can't sleep because of the constant squeaking and scratching taking place.
They can also be quite difficult to move on from their nice warm home they have made out of your roof space. There are however some humane ways to get these microbats to leave your roof space. 1. Most of the bats in the colony will fly out at dusk to forage on insects in the local area. They will start to return after a few hours and then there will be intermittent arrivals and departures at the roost throughout the rest of the night. The first step is to identify where the bats are gaining access to the roost. There may be multiple access points - you need to find them all. |
2. Step two is to work out a means of sealing off all access points except for their main exit/entry point. There are many options including expanding foam for small gaps and fly wire for exposed eaves. In some cases it may be necessary to lift the roofing iron to place exclusion netting. When you have worked out your strategy, buy the necessary materials and muster the tools so that you are ready to do the job.
3. Step three is to make sure you achieve a bat-free roost. You will need to allow the bats to exit the roost safely on their nightly foraging expedition and to then ensure that no other bats are left behind in the roost. The best technique is to tape a strip of plastic (like the clear table cloth plastic sold by the metre at Spotlight) over the top of the hole so it hangs down like a flap above the exit hole. Exiting bats can then drop down out of the exit. When they return to the roost they will be unable to due to their path being blocked by the plastic strip. |
4. Leave the strip in place for several days before sealing the last remaining exit/entry point.
5. Monitor the roof line for any bats entering or exiting any other places over successive nights. Bats are very good at finding alternative entrances to favourite roosts! If you do identify the annoying fact that bats are continuing to use the site, you need to repeat the above process. Be patient and you will succeed. |